Tech Play 1

What Is A Blog?
This is my very first blog!.....but wait! What is a blog? Well, a blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. I reviewed several different blog sites and I love the idea of having a classroom blog. Although I have never "blogged" before I can see how using a blog would be an excellent communication tool with not only students but parents. 
I reviewed several different blog sites and they all had similar requirements to setup a blog such as: choosing a blog name, selecting a theme, modifying your design to fit your style. 


The content for my blog is writing. Students and parents will utilize my blog to communicate with me. Students will also use discussion boards to post thoughts and communicate with peers as well as view assignments and access student resources. Blogs afford a means of responsive, written social interaction with other students about their learning, and the possibility of composing texts with embedded links to other webpages that have been. explored on the topic. Although I have not used a blog before I believe that ideally a blog can be used to model writing and scaffold instructions for students. Students will be able to utilize discussion boards to communicate thoughts and ask questions.


Incorporating technology by including YouTube videos that are in line with the lesson or to give step by step instructions would be a great way to share information on my blog. Digital video afforded distinctly visual means of representing their subject matter and the prevention of complex ideas through visual montage and juxtaposition of text and image. Students love using technology and I do believe that utilizing a classroom blog would engage students and allow them to work on assignments at their own pace or even at home. Teachers can use knowledge about these media affordances as they consider how they might be useful in their own classrooms and inquiry projects.

Since I am a tech newbie I would say that the obstacle that I would run into creating a blog would be the creating and implementation of it. I would have to say that this assignment has made it much more attainable. The thought of creating a blog has always seem overwhelming and a little difficult to me. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to create a blog for this assignment!

Work Cited


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